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We are building the Eureka World for the creative heroes of the future!

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Who are we?

Imagine creativity had a place. Or rather a space. It can be above the clouds or on the ground. It doesn’t matter. As long as it is a point of connection. Where kids meet brilliant creative minds. A space where creativity is not a privilege, but a power available to everyone. Every little genius is welcome. They will learn from explorers. Filmmakers, authors, musicians, and photographers. United by being excellent at what they do and their desire to spark creativity in our little ones. Every creative can inspire them in one or two or even a hundred sessions, if they choose to. The kids won’t feel like students. They feel like super-heroes. Breaks are filled with happy dances. That’s why we call it: EUREKA.WORLD

The famous word of Archimedes after he had an incredible idea. This is a space for ideas. Colorful, magical, and crazy.You could call it: The school I wished I could have gone to.

Now is your chance.

Join the Eureka.World as a Hero

and get inspired for your creative future

JJJJ Bindestrich MM Bindestrich TT
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The Eureka.World is an adventure initiated by
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